Can PRP Therapy Help Diminish Signs of Aging?

By: Dr. Dimara Vega


Are you starting to see fine lines, wrinkles, or some dullness in your complexion? Dr. Dimara Vega and her BeyondBela Aesthetics & Wellness team in Brandon, FL, might have the perfect solution. PurePRP® by EmCyte® uses your own natural plasma to help restore your skin to a smoother and more radiant appearance.

Below, we'll explore the benefits of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, how it's performed, and who can benefit from this revolutionary treatment.

What is PurePRP by EmCyte?

PurePRP by EmCyte is an advanced therapy designed to rejuvenate your skin. Also known as PRP therapy, this cutting-edge aesthetic procedure uses your plasma to encourage new collagen production, thus reducing the prominence of wrinkles and improving skin texture.

Sometimes, PurePRP is combined with treatments like microneedling for even more dramatic results. Microneedling creates microscopic channels in the skin so the PRP solution is absorbed more deeply.

Who are the best candidates for PRP therapy?

Almost anyone who wants to improve their skin is an excellent candidate for PRP therapy. However, a consultation with Dr. Vega is still important to determine if you can benefit from treatment. During an appointment, she will evaluate the area you wish to target, examine your medical history, and discuss the potential risks and benefits.

PRP is a great choice for those who want to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin tone and texture, and restore their youthful glow. Our team has the skill and expertise to ensure optimal results.

The PRP therapy process

PurePRP is performed in our Brandon, FL, office. Here is a quick overview of the procedure:

  • Blood draw: To begin the PRP therapy process, one of our medical professionals will draw blood from your arm. This small blood sample is placed into a centrifuge machine to separate the platelet-rich plasma.
  • Preparing the PRP injection: Once the PRP is separated from the blood sample, it is prepared for injection.
  • Administration: The PRP injection is carefully administered into the treatment area by a qualified professional.
  • Ongoing treatments: We recommend undergoing PRP treatments in 4 – 6 week intervals to maintain the best possible outcomes.

Some mild swelling and redness are expected almost immediately after your appointment, but any side effects usually subside within a short period. The good news is that results are long-lasting and only continue to improve over time.

Your PRP therapy results

While individual results vary, platelet-rich plasma has been proven to reduce common but unwanted signs of aging. Regular treatments can also provide a more youthful, refreshed look.

It's important to note that the benefits of PurePRP are not immediate, and most patients require several sessions to achieve results. The number of appointments needed depends on your specific concerns and desired outcomes.

Say hello to youthful skin

PRP therapy is a breakthrough treatment that can reduce fine lines and rejuvenate your appearance. With the expertise of Dr. Dimara Vega and our trusted staff at BeyondBela Aesthetics & Wellness, you can be confident that you're receiving top-quality care for your skin. If you're considering PRP in Brandon, FL, reach out now to book an initial assessment for PurePRP. Get ready to say hello to a more radiant you.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.