Is HydraFacial® Treatment Safe for All Skin Types?

By: Dr. Dimara Vega


Do you struggle with issues like dullness, acne, or unwanted signs of aging? Or, are you simply looking for a skin rejuvenation treatment that caters to your complexion? Look no further than our state-of-the-art HydraFacial at BeyondBela Aesthetics & Wellness. This noninvasive, customizable facial is suitable for almost all skin types and can manage a range of concerns.

Dr. Dimara Vega, an experienced professional in the field, is here to guide you through the process and help you achieve your desired results. Call now to book a skin assessment in Brandon, FL, and see the magic of HydraFacial for yourself.

What is a HydraFacial?

Over-the-counter products can only do so much for our skin. To truly achieve a healthy glow, professional treatment is necessary. This is where a HydraFacial comes in.

A HydraFacial is a breakthrough treatment that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, nourishment, and sun protection in one session. It is noninvasive and delivers instant results with little to no downtime. All parts of a HydraFacial are customizable based on your needs and concerns.

Are HydraFacial treatments safe for your skin?

Yes. One of the key advantages of a HydraFacial is that it is suitable for virtually all skin types. Here is a closer look at the advantages it offers for different skin conditions:

  • Sensitive skin: HydraFacials are a gentle alternative to more invasive treatments like chemical peels. It does not use harsh chemicals and is not irritating or abrasive.
  • Acne-prone skin: The process of exfoliation and extraction removes cell buildup and unclogs pores that lead to breakouts. It also reduces unnecessary inflammation and provides long-term oil control.
  • Aging skin: Regular HydraFacial treatments minimize common signs of aging like fine lines and creases, giving your skin a youthful and radiant appearance.
  • Dry skin: Dry and dehydrated skin can make you look tired. A HydraFacial offers deep hydration and restores the nutrients your skin needs to feel healthy and refreshed.

What happens during a HydraFacial?

During a consultation in Brandon, FL, Dr. Vega will assess your skin and discuss any specific concerns you may have. The treatment starts with cleansing and exfoliation, followed by gentle extraction of impurities and debris from pores. Afterward, a personalized serum is applied to nourish the skin and boost hydration. The final step is sunscreen protection to keep your skin safe after your appointment.

Safety considerations and side effects

As with any skin rejuvenation treatment, it is important to understand potential risks and side effects. With a HydraFacial, there is minimal risk or discomfort involved. Some people experience redness almost immediately following their session, but this typically subsides within a few hours and can be managed with the appropriate care. This may include avoiding direct sun exposure and using a gentle moisturizer.

Book your next HydraFacial treatment

People with sensitive skin or signs of aging can have a hard time finding skin care products that suit their needs. Thankfully, HydraFacials are gentle enough for almost all skin types. If you are considering this innovative treatment, consult a skin rejuvenation professional who can guide you through the process. Dr. Dimara Vega at BeyondBela Aesthetics & Wellness offers personalized consultations to ensure your safety and produce results. Call now to book your next HydraFacial in Brandon, FL, and experience the benefits for yourself.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.